Exklusive Partnerschaften
Exklusive Partnerschaften bestehen momentan in folgenden Ländern:
Exclusive Partnerships
At the time being we have exklusive partnerships in the following countries:
Deutschland/Germany | Schweiz/Switzerland | Österreich/Austria | Niederlande/Netherlands |
Italien/Italy | Spanien/Spain | Großbritanien/UK | Frankreich/France |
Luxemburg/Luxembourg | Belgien/Belgium |
Übrige Länder/Other Countries:
Kanada/Canada (Calgary, Vancouver, Toronto) | Vereinigte Arabische Emirate/United Arab Emirates (Dubai, Abu Dhabi) | Thailand | Türkei/Turkey |
Should you be interested in becoming a K-1StarsLive partner, organize workshops in your country and benefit from our experience and network, don`t hesitate to contact us via the form below.